I have a notification of battery level. I want to make different icon in status bar and notifications center. In status bar: number (2 digits). In body: my app icon. How can I do that? The app icon is also in the status bar, how can I change that?
I'm not sure what your code looks like right now but I'd do something like this:
Notification.Builder nb = new Notification.Builder(context)
.setTicker("ticker text");
NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
nm.notify(100, nb.build());
Note the setLargeIcon()
and setSmallIcon()
. The icon you want to show in the 'ticker' should be set in setSmallIcon()
and for what you have called the 'notification centre', you should use setLargeIcon()
. That should work.