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Date validator that validates if the date is greater than or equal to today with Zend Framework

$form = new Zend_Form();

$mockDate = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('mock');



$result = $form->isValid();

if ($result) echo "YES!!!";
else echo "NO!!!";

Assumption that the element is in a date format. How do I determine that the date given is greater than or equal to today?


  • You can create a simple validator to do this:

    class My_Validate_DateGreaterThanToday extends Zend_Validate_Abstract
        const DATE_INVALID = 'dateInvalid';
        protected $_messageTemplates = array(
            self::DATE_INVALID => "'%value%' is not greater than or equal today"
        public function isValid($value)
            $today = date('Y-m-d');
            // expecting $value to be YYYY-MM-DD
            if ($value < $today) {
                return false;
            return true;

    And add it to the element:

    $mockDate->addValidator(new My_Validate_DateGreaterThanToday());

    You probably want to check the date with Zend_Date for localization of dates and further benefits.

    For creating custom validates, take a look at writing validators from Zend´s manual.