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How to use Mockito to test APIs along Robospice and Retrofit?

I've been following this blog entry which shows how to mock requests with Mockito and Retrofit. The problem is I'm using both along Robospice, which it doesn't require to provide a Callback as parameter on the service interface (as it would be a synchronous call):

User foo(@Query("bar") String baz);

So I cannot intercept the callback on my tests on this way:

Mockito.verify(mockApi).repositories(Mockito.anyString(), cb.capture());
User user = new User();
cb.getValue().success(user, null);

Is any way to achieve this?. Thanks!


  • Mock the service interface and then script it to return the value you desire.

    doReturn(new User()).when(service).foo(anyString());

    You can later verify that this method was called.
