I'm looking for a way to do a more sophisticated confirm that the one I use right now that look like this :
<%= link_to_remove_association "<i class='icon-remove-sign'></i>".html_safe,
p, :class => 'btn-link remove has-tooltip',
:data => {:original_title => "Delete phone",
:confirm => 'Are you sure you want to delete this phone?'} %>
I just want to avoid the confirm dialog if the phone entry is blank.
I think there must be a way in the 'cocoon:before-remove' event but I can't manage to find it ?
For example, in a Coffesecript function like this :
$(document).delegate '.phones', 'cocoon:before-remove', (e, item) ->
tel = $(item).find('.tel .form-control')
conf = true
if tel.val().trim() != ''
conf = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this phone?')
if conf
$(@).data('remove-timeout', 1000)
#stop deletion!!
Any clue ?
It seems that cocoon is missing this functionality, however I just forked the repo and added it. For now, you can do as follows:
Change in your gemfile:
gem 'cocoon', git: 'https://github.com/BroiSatse/cocoon.git'
Then modify your handler:
$(document).delegate '.phones', 'cocoon:before-remove', (e, item, result) ->
tel = $(item).find('.tel .form-control')
conf = true
if tel.val().trim() != ''
conf = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this phone?')
if conf
$(@).data('remove-timeout', 1000)
result.val = false
Note the extra param for the handler.