I am trying to write a Linq query to look for one matching value in a database column that is a comma-delimited string of values. To make sure that I don't match to part of one of those values, or miss the first or last value, I have usually added a comma to the beginning and end of both the target and source. Unfortunately, this isn't working with Linq, and I haven't figured out how to use SqlMethods.Like in this context. My code:
int totalItems = 0;
var userList = from r in db.User
select r;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.department))
userList = userList.Where(s => s.department.Contains(filter.department));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.role))
// The following code that includes commas in the strings
// causes a runtime error regarding simple or enumerated objects:
userList = userList.Where(
r => (','+r.roles.Trim()+',').Contains(','+filter.role.Trim()+',')
// The following code works, but is not what I need to do the search properly:
//userList = userList.Where(s => s.roles.Contains(filter.role));
totalItems = userList.Count(); // here is where the error actually occurs
I would not mind using SqlMethods.Like, but don't know how to use it when amending a query like this.
Try this :
userList = userList.Where(
r => (r.roles.Split(',')).Any(o => o == filter.role)