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bash command substitution force to foreground

I have this:

echo -e "\n\n"
find /home/*/var/*/logs/ \
     -name transfer.log \
     -exec awk -v SUM=0 '$0 {SUM+=1} END {print "{} " SUM}' {} \; \
  > >( sed '/\b0\b/d' \
       | awk ' BEGIN {printf "\t\t\tTRANSFER LOG\t\t\t\t\t#OF HITS\n"}
               {printf "%-72s %-s\n", $1, $2}
             ' \
       | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort -nr -k2)
echo -e "\n\n"

When run on a machine with bash 4.1.2 always returns correctly except I get all 4 of my new lines at the top.

When run on a machine with bash 3.00.15 it gives all 4 of my new lines at the top, returns the prompt in the middle of the output, and never completes just hangs.

I would really like to fix this for both versions as we have a lot of machines running both.


  • The answer I found was to use a while read

    echo -e "\n\n"; \
    printf "\t\t\tTRANSFER LOG\t\t\t\t\t#OF HITS\n"; \
    while read -r line; \
    do echo "$line" |sed  '/\b0\b/d' | awk '{printf "%-72s %-s\n", $1, $2}'; \
    done < <(find /home/*/var/*/logs/ -name transfer.log -exec awk -v SUM=0 '$0 {SUM+=1} END{print "{} " SUM}' {} \;;) \
    |sort -nr -k2; \
    echo -e "\n\n"