I have a sorted dictionary of the form:
SortedDictionary<PriorityType, List<T>> dictionary;
where PriorityType is an enum class.
Now I am trying to make Priority queue methods but I have apprehensions about whether my Dequeue method will work or not.
public T Dequeue()
if (IsEmpty())
throw new Exception("The Priority Queue is empty! Dequeuing is not possible!");
var highestPriorityList = dictionary[dictionary.Keys.First()];
var topElement = highestPriorityList.FirstOrDefault();
if (highestPriorityList.Count == 0)
return topElement;
Please help me to improve this method!
Note: The Dequeue() method is supposed to Remove and return the object with the highest priority and which is before other elements with same priority.
Okay so I was able to modify the above code to suit my dequeue operation!
public T Dequeue()
var highestPriorityList = dictionary[dictionary.Keys.First()];
if (highestPriorityList.Count == 0)
var topElement = highestPriorityList.First();
return topElement;
Now I can dequeue for as long as I like without the InvalidOperationException which was caused by the missing element in the list after the RemoveAt operation!