In the package, I define and document the rhs method for expressions like A <- B.
#' @rdname
#' @aliases rhs,set-method
setMethod( 'rhs', '<-', function(x) x[[3]] )
(n.b. the signature list '<-' is not wrong, here. It is actually the class of this assignment statement.)
For this S4 method, roxyger2-3.1.0, generates the following in the man/
I believe the proper documentation tag should be:
Is there any way to force roxygen2 to generate the correct Rd syntax? I struggled with it a bit, but could not find a way.
I am answering my own questions, after reporting this as This an issue to the roxygen developers. This was confirmed to be not working prior to roxygen2-4.0.0. They pushed out a patch within a day. (Awesome!) Roxygen2 now produces the correct Rd syntax for signatures with <-.
Additional notes: Upgrading to roxygen2-4.0.0 requires R >= 3.0.2 and the newest version of Rcpp.