I have a text section on roku that is being cut off due to its length. There are two possible solutions.
My page is roParagraphScreen in which I add a paragraph. If I need to pass a value into the theme I am fine with that. I just havent found any property as of yet that handles text size. I also know there is the whole font creation aspect, but that seems like a little much.
Here is the code I am working with
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
themeOpts = {fontSize: 100} 'this is the new code I am thinking as possible solution
if valid(opts.breadcrumb) then
screen.setBreadcrumbText(opts.breadcrumb, "")
end if
screen.addParagraph(getCopy().SYSTEM_STATUS_SCREEN.SUSTAINED_BANDWIDTH + " " + opts.bandwidthResult.roundedAsString + " MPS")
then in the theme section do something like this
if valid(opts.fontSize) then
'change font size
I havent looked into the scrollable text solution yet. Wanted to get some feedback on here first.
I couldnt find a way to change font size. So I changed the component to roTextScreen. This allows for overflow and scrolling.
There was another issue I ran into. I dont know the length of the content since its coming from the db. I had to add line breaks. If you dont do this then the down button will not get you to the buttons.
Here is the code
screen = CreateObject("roTextScreen")
screen.setHeaderText("Header Text")
'ensure section is long enough so use can press down button to get to buttons
screen.addButton(1, "Begin")
while true
msg = wait(0, screen.getMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roTextScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed() then
end if
if msg.isScreenClosed() then
exit while
end if
end if
end while