I'm trying to index a database table using a <cfindex>
. I also want to categorize the index based on the values of a column of the same table. No documentation I have come across clearly mention what the "category" attribute takes. Is it a column name or just any desire value and if the later then how do the index determine which record belongs to what category?
Thanks a lot in Advance.
| 1 | people | John | John details | 01/23/1980 |
| 2 | animal | Dog | dogs details | 02/22/1990 |
| 3 | people | Ben | Ben's details | 10/10/2006 |
| 4 | animal | panda | panda's details | 07/17/2009 |
The docs didn't make it clear, but if you are indexing a database and there is a column that you want to use for the category, just pass the name of the db column to the category attribute.