I've been using Crossrider's great API for some time now, however I have reached a great block in my progress.
I have been able to message the popup scope with the current domain through the tab change interrupts and the change of url interrupts. However, when I click the popup browser button, data about the current tab URL is supposed to be shown. Instead, such data is black, and when debugging - it was found that the reason for it being blank is either:
I am really stumped, and require such functionality to progress further. My Crossrider ID is 52909.
First and foremost, when posting questions to this forum please include code snippets for the benefit of others so that they can try an assist you. As-is they have no access to the extension code you provided.
Looking at your popup.html code, I can see that you are using the following Crossrider API methods that are not supported in the popup scope: appAPI.resources.includeJS, appAPI.webRequest.onRequest. For more information about API supported in the popup scope, see appAPI.browserAction.setPopup.
As alternatives/workarounds:
For appAPI.resources.includeJS, you can use the jquery to load resources scripts, as follows: $.globalEval(appAPI.resources.get('script.js'));
For appAPI.webRequest.onRequest, implement it in the background scope and use messaging to pass the data to the popup scope, something like:
appAPI.ready(fucntion($) {
appAPI.webRequest.onRequest.addListener(function(details, opaqueData) {
}, []);
crossriderMain in popup.html:
function crossriderMain($) {
appAPI.message.addListener(function(details) {
// Do something with the details from webRequest
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]