I was just wondering if any programming language, organization, or computer scientist had ever given a name for the comma operator or equivalent separator when used in an array?
["Do", "the", "commas", "here", "have", "a", "name"]?
i.e. separators, next, continue, etc.?
As per the comments: the comma in the example is not an operator. It is a list separator and where it appears in a grammar it is typically referred to as list separator
, separator
or just `comma'.
It is used with this meaning and terminology in at least 90% of the languages I've used (which is quite a few). There are languages with different separators or additional separators, including white space or just about any punctuation character you can think of, but no original names for them as far as I recall.
I do not rule out the possibility that some creative person has called it something different. If not, feel free to be the first.