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SVProgressHUD 1.0 not dimming and wrong style

I'm using SVProgressHUD 1.0 in my iOS 7 project as follows:

[SVProgressHUD showWithMaskType:SVProgressHUDMaskTypeBlack];

and I'm getting a white HUD with a blue circular arrow (like the 3rd one in the image below--"loading"), and no background dimming. What I would like is a HUD like the first one in this image:

The first HUD is what I want but I'm getting the third one and no dimming.

and have the background dim while it's up. If I switch to version 0.9 I get the dimming, but the HUD is obviously the translucent black type.

How do I get the HUD I'm looking for, with dimming? (Is it possible to change the style at call time?)



  • I did the same thing to you, what I did was install cocoapods and install the stable version by cocoapods and this error is solved,, I attached the file PODFILE:

    platform :ios, '7.0' 
    pod 'SVProgressHUD'

    I hope it will help.