I have problems adding Firefox OS as a platform to my Cordova project. I tried the simplest way:
installed phonegap globally:
sudo npm install -g phonegap
created phonegap project:
cordova create HelloWorld com.domain.hello HelloWorld
CD'd into the new HelloWorld folder, then added iOS as platform:
cordova platform add iOS
which worked, but when trying to add Firefox OS, I get
[Error: Platform "firefoxos" not recognized as core cordova platform.]
I tried updating the platform with:
phone gap platform update firefoxos
but all I get is
[phonegap] updating Fire Fox OS platform...
[error] Platform "firefoxos" is not installed. See "platform list".
You want to use Cordova not PhoneGap (yes, there is a difference).
npm install -g cordova
then follow along in the link provided.
Additional information related to Cordova and FirefoxOS: