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Complex objects with redis-py

I've been using the redis-cli to get the hang of how redis works. I understand that using this tool I can do this:> set post:1:title "Redis is cool!"
OK> set post:1:author "haye321"
OK> get post:1:title
"Redis is cool!"

What I cannot seem to figure out is how I would accomplish this with redis-py. It doesn't seem the set commanded provided allows for an object-type or id. Thanks for your help.


  • You are setting individual fields of a Redis hash one by one (a hash is the common data structure in Redis to store objects).

    A better way to do this is to use Redis HMSET command, that allows to set multiple fields of a given hash in one operation. Using Redis-py it will look like this:

    import redis
    redisdb = redis.Redis(host="localhost",db=1)
    redisdb.hmset('post:1', {'title':'Redis is cool!', 'author':'haye321'})


    Of course you could have set Hash field members one by one using the HSET command, but it's less efficient as it requires one request per field:

    import redis
    redisdb = redis.Redis(host="localhost",db=1)
    redisdb.hset('post:1', 'title', 'Redis is cool!')
    redisdb.hset('post:1', 'author', 'haye321'})