Say I have an application that needs to pull data from an API, but that there is a limit to how often I can send a query (i.e., caps at X requests / minute). In order to ensure I don't hit this limit, I want to add requests to a queue, and have a background job that will pull X requests and execute it every minute. I'm not sure what's the best method for this in Rails, however. From what I gather, DelayedJob is the better library for my needs, but I don't see any support for only running X jobs a minute. Does anyone know if there is a preferred way of implementing functionality like this?
Maybe you can try [whenever]:
Then you can add your tasks as bellow:
every 3.hours do
runner "MyModel.some_process"
rake "my:rake:task"
command "/usr/bin/my_great_command"
in a schedule.rb file