In an ideal world I would be running on SQL Server 2012 and be able to use the .ShortestLineTo() function to find the closest point on a line, to that of another point. I currently am able to find the closest line to my point - but now I need to find the coordinates of the point closest to my point in question.
Unfortunately I am stuck on SQL Server 2008 R2, so don't have the option to use .ShortestLineTo().
How do others achieve this in SQL Server Spatial Geometry types?
Late answer, but if it still helps (or for anyone else) you should be able to do the following with SQL 2008.
DECLARE @point GEOMETRY = GEOMETRY::STPointFromText('POINT(0 0)', 0);
DECLARE @line GEOMETRY = GEOMETRY::STLineFromText('POINT(10 10, 20 20)', 0);
SELECT STIntersection(@point.STBuffer(@point.STDistance(@line)));
Essentially, you calculate the distance between the two geometries,use that as a buffer on the point which should result in the geometries touching, and take the intersection (point) of that.