I search the possibility to have a functionnal test with phpspec about dispatcher symfony2
I would like to do this :
$dispatcher->dispatch('workflow.post_extract', $event)->shouldBeCalled();
My code is here :
function it_should_dispatch_post_extract(
EventDispatcher $dispatcher, GenericEvent $event,
TransformerInterface $transformer, ContextInterface $context, LoaderInterface $loader
$c = new \Pimple([
'etl' => new \Pimple([
'e' => function() {
return new ExtractorMock();
't' => function() {
return new Transformer();
'l' => function() {
return new Loader();
'c' => function() {
return new Context();
$dispatcher->dispatch('workflow.post_extract', $event)->shouldBeCalled();
The answer of phpspec is that :
! should dispatch post extract
method call:
Double\Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher\P10->dispatch("workflow.post_extract", Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent:0000000043279e10000000004637de0f)
was not expected.
Expected calls are:
- dispatch(exact("workflow.post_extract"), exact(Double\Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent\P11:0000000043279dce000000004637de0f))
The event object you passed in the expectation is not the same as passed into the dispatch method.
Nothing wrong about it, you only have to verify it a bit differently. Don't look for a specific instance, but for any instance of a class: