I run a game server, i got main server that handles all packets sent from players (clients).
I want to encrypt my packets via AES so that each packet should be unique (i think i need IV here) and that server should accept each encrypted packet one time only, so that if someone tried to sniff a packet he cannot send it again.
How do I do this?
P.S i code server and client in c++
You could use some kind of SSL API like OpenSSL, but this may be overkill in your scenario as you would need to use certificates etc. There is a open source Rijndael (the algorithm that AES uses) C++ implementation here.
Here is an example of its usage:
void testEncryptBlock()
const int nCharacters = 16;
char szHex[33];
char *EncryptedData = new char[nCharacters + 1];
CRijndael rijndael;
int result = rijndael.MakeKey("abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh");
// Add some dummy data for the sake of the demo
EncryptedData = (char*)memset(EncryptedData, 255, nCharacters); // 0xfffff...
result = rijndael.EncryptBlock(EncryptedData);
... // Do something with the data
delete [] EncryptedData;