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Submitting form using controller method

I'm trying to call a method from view, but it's not working! :(

My Controller code:

public class ProfessionalController : Controller
    // GET: /Professional/
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Sum(int nro1, int nro2)
        var value = nro1 + nro2;

        ViewBag.SumResult = value;

        return View();

My views code:

Professional Index:

    ViewBag.Title = "Profissional";


@using (Html.BeginForm("Professional", "Sum")) {

    <input id="nro1" type="number" class="form-control marged_top" placeholder="Numero 1" />
    <input id="nro2" type="number" class="form-control marged_top" placeholder="Numero 2" />

    <button id="Sum" name="Sum" value="Sum" class="btn btn-default" type="button"



Sum View:

    ViewBag.Title = "Sum";



Doesn't occurs any error, just nothing happens when i click at Sum button.


  • Some issues:

    • You probably want your <button> with type="submit", otherwise the form will not be submitted, and the button will do nothing. See also: MDN - Button Type
    • Html.BeginForm("Professional", "Sum") should be Html.BeginForm("Sum", "Professional") - The controller is the second argument.
      Html.BeginForm("Sum") would also work here, because this is the current controller.
    • The inputs should have name="nro1", not id - it is the name that is being submitted.
    • No need for semicolon after @ViewBag.SumResult (though that isn't a bug).
    • I'm not sure what data-toggle="button" is doing here.

    Note that you are not "calling a Controller from a View" - you are submitting a form, which starts a new Controller-View cycle. Html.Action can do something similar, but that is not what you're trying to do here.

    I'd also take this opportunity and recommend against using ViewBag - Use a strongly typed view model instead