I tend to have comment lines like this:
// This is a comment.
// This is the second line of a comment paragraph.
// This is a second paragraph...
I have my cursor in the middle of these lines and I want to start adding something. Often it is adding a sentence at the beginning of a paragraph. Hitting I
will take me to before //
. This is something I want to do often enough that it slightly bugs me that there isn't a quick way to get there without a bunch of movement commands or awkward reaches like ^wi
I want to adjust the I
command to be "smart", so that only if my cursor is in a comment syntax area do I want vim to execute ^wi
Can I do this? I am pretty sure I can do this because I have a little command somewhere that is capable of telling me the syntax type that the cursor is inside of.
You could do it as a one-liner, but when conditionals are involved, I prefer to use a function:
:nnoremap I :call SmartInsert()<CR>
In the function, you can use synIDattr()
to get the name of the active syntax item; see the example under :help synID()
. Then you can take different actions depending on whether the name contains "Comment". Move the cursor as desired, then end the function with :startinsert
:help synIDattr()
:help =~?
:help :if
:help :startinsert
:help user-functions
Edit by OP: Thanks for this great starting point. I got around to writing the function, here it is. It's real handy.
function! SmartInsert()
if synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~ "LineComment$"
normal! ^w " Can enhance this with something more general (no need tho)
call feedkeys('I', 'n')
nnoremap I :call SmartInsert()<CR>