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Pause SpriteKit game with Physics SKSpriteNode child

I have a SKSpriteNode with a dynamic physics body on a SKNode *_fgLayer.

Now, when I pause or unpause the game I want that SKSpriteNode to remain in place and not rotate or fall down. If I simply use _fgLayer.paused = YES; the SKSpriteNode does not stay in place but rather rotates and falls down. If I set physicsBody.dynamic = NO; when paused and physicsBody.dynamic = YES; when unpaused it works.

However, after a few tries I always get the following crash:

"Assertion failed: (typeA == b2_dynamicBody || typeB == b2_dynamicBody), function SolveTOI, file /SourceCache/PhysicsKit/PhysicsKit-4.6/PhysicsKit/Box2D/Dynamics/b2World.cpp, line 670."

So, I guess setting a physicsBody.dynamic = NO; and back does not work.

Does anyone have an idea of
how to pause dynamic physics bodies to remain in place when the game is paused?


  • Try setting your physicsWorld.speed to 0.0:

    scene.physicsWorld.speed = 0.0

    Apple SKPhysicsWorld Ref.