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Getting zip expansion file causing NullPointerException. Zip is not placed in right directory of emulator?

I'm trying to run the app in the eclipse emulator. In the ddms perspective, file explorer, I've put my .obb file inside mnt/obb/ Now Im getting NullPointerException at this line:

zip = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile(ctx,1, -1);

What could be the problem?


  • The path needs to be


    Its given here

    Just store the file in



    This is a screenshot of an emulator running API Level 17

    Image showing /mnt/sdcard/Android folder on emulator running API level 17

    EDIT 2

    In case you don't have an Android folder inside the sdcard, just create one

    This folder hierarchy needs to exist


    NOTE: This will work only on devices/emulators having an sdcard. In case of a device without external storage, the path is different (since an emulated sdcard is maintained). Check here