Hi Folks: Just a person (not a company) trying to submit an app, developed with Xcode 5 to the App Store.
Developer.apple.com > IOS Dev Center > iTunes Connect > Manager you Apps > Add New Apps > Click here to register new bundle > Click on AppIDs to see what I have previously registered.
If I had 10 reputations on Stackoverflow, I'd post a screenshot. (I will if I can).
Summary is that iTunes Connect says:
So I go back to Xcode5 and I change the Bundle ID to: I tried both:
I then manually deleted the build directory and re-built and re-archived. No errors or warnings. Archive shows the correct"Identifier". But when I Validate, I get a "No Application Records were found".
I have read in one articles that this may be because iTunes Connect is not in a state of "waiting for my application"... but I do not know how to put it in that state (if that's my issue in the first place).
This is a duplicate of a question I posed earlier today but now that I know more, I re-posed it with more information. Thanks to all those who answer... you make the world a better place :).
As you already mentioned and as per the documentation - App Distribution Guide
Important: You can’t validate your app unless the app record in iTunes Connect is in the “Waiting for Upload” or later state
After you add a new app in iTunes connect there will be an amber light along with its status. It will most likely read "Prepare For Upload". To get it to the "Waiting For Upload" state click view details for the app and in the top right there should be a blue button that says "Ready to Upload Binary". Click this and follow the given directions.