I have imported a CSV file that contains string values (eg.eating) and floating values (eg. 0.87) into a table in my phpMyAdmin database. After I get ride of all the string values and retain only the rows that have the decimal values, I need to convert such values from VARCHAR to DECIMAL/FLOAT so that I can perform a MAX() on this attribute.
How do I do this? Each time I try doing this through the GUI in phpMyAdmin, all my values are automatically rounded off to 0 and 1s.
Please help me!
I think you need to try doing something like this on your MySQL if you have admin privilege on your MySQL.
ALTER TABLE tablename MODIFY columnname DECIMAL(M,D)
for the M,D variables, read this - http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fixed-point-types.html
And MySQL should be able to automatically converting a text to a numeric. Just that the data type in MySQL might not be a decimal yet that's why you can't store any decimal.