I'm (completely) new to ROR and have got an application to maintain and upgrade. I've the source code and am trying to build database using db:migrate
rake command. I've started using Aptana Studio for the development. When I run dg:migrate
I get following errors:
rake db:migrate
(in G:/Projects/.../.../trunk)
MissingSourceFile no such file to load -- rcov/rcovtask
WARNING: rcov tests won't work
Looking for release_type overrides ...
=> Loading G:/Projects/.../.../trunk/config/release_type_config.rb
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency=has been deprecated and
no longer has any effect. Please remove all references to allow_concurrency=..
(called from allow_concurrency= at D:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActiveRecord::Base.verification_timeout= has been deprecated
and no longer has any effect. Please remove all references to
verification_timeout=.. (called from verification_timeout= at
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- hpricot
I've installed hpricot gem also (version 0.8).
What is the remedy for this?
The most significand error is
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- hpricot
You need hpricot. You can install it running the following command on the command line
gem install hpricot