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Generate PDF from XQuery using XSL-FO in Exist-db

I have got a little problem...

But first:

Here is my XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE akweny SYSTEM "akweny.dtd">

How to generate PDF file using Xquery?

I have got like this:

<table border="1" width="100%">
       let $nodes := doc('/db/Dane/akweny.xml')//akweny[ancestor::*/nazwa="Atlantycki"]
        for $x in $nodes/*
        let $nazwa := $x/nazwa/text()
        let $typ := $x/typ/text()
        let $powierzchnia := $x/powierzchnia/text()
    <th><img src="/exist/apps/Obrazki/lupa.jpg" alt="Podrzedny" /></a></th>
                <th bgcolor="#F46978">{$nazwa}</th>

And so it was not so good file must be generated after clicking on the PRINT button...

Any sugestion? I'm working on it for over a week and I can not deal with this snap out of it ...


  • eXist-db can generate PDFs using the XSL-FO module, which by default is configured to use Apache FOP. The idea is that if you can transform your XML into XSL-FO, then you can pass the XSL-FO to the XSL-FO module, which will then generate the PDF for you. The module's functions are documented at This module is not enabled by default, so here's what you need to do:

    1. Quit eXist-db if it's running.

    2. Edit $EXIST_HOME/extensions/ (or if you do not have this file, duplicate the file in that directory, and rename the duplicate to turn the line include.module.xslfo = false to include.module.xslfo = true.

    3. Rebuild eXist-db with rebuild (or build.bat rebuild on Windows)

    4. Uncomment the XSL-FO module in conf.xml, the block beginning with <module uri="" class="org.exist.xquery.modules.xslfo.XSLFOModule">

    5. Restart eXist-db

    6. Now you can use the xslfo:render() function.