I have a problem with performance in Perl. This is the code: http://pastebin.com/jpmhv395
It might have problems in other places as well, but the main problem is in line 336: The anagram_hash method seems to be called very often. The method actually is in a different module, here it is: http://pastebin.com/5NRC4bs8
The subroutine should work differently depending on whether an integer or a string was passed as argument.
Is the subroutine 'anagram_hash' causing the poor performance, or do you see anything other that could cause a drop in performance? If so, how could it be optimized?
I guess you could make a 256 element lookup table so you just do
$result += $lookup{$char};
instead of
my $temp = ord($char);
$result += $temp**5;
but you should really run the profiler to see what the problem is first... here.
EDIT (jm666 and ikegami) - Added the Benchmark example. As you can see by observing the results of power_goodloop and lookup_goodloop which vary only by whether exponentiation or a hash lookup is used, exponentiation is much faster. It's the poor loop that's slowing you down.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use Benchmark qw(:all);
my @lookup = map { $_ ** 5 } 0..255;
my %lookup = map { chr($_) => $_ ** 5 } 0..255;
my $str = join '', map chr(rand(256)), 1..1000;
say "test of the result";
say anagram_hash1($str);
say anagram_hash2($str);
say anagram_hash3($str);
say anagram_hash4($str);
say anagram_hash5($str);
say "";
cmpthese(-3, {
'power_badloop' => sub { anagram_hash1($str) },
'hlookup_badloop' => sub { anagram_hash2($str) },
'power_goodloop' => sub { anagram_hash3($str) },
'hlookup_goodloop' => sub { anagram_hash4($str) },
'alookup_goodloop' => sub { anagram_hash5($str) },
sub anagram_hash1 {
my $result = 0;
my $s = shift;
my $length = length($s);
if ( $s =~ /[a-zA-Z]+/ ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $length ; $i++ ) {
my $char = substr( $s, $i, 1 );
my $temp = ord($char);
$result += $temp**5;
} elsif ( $s =~ /^[\d]+$/ ) {
my $temp = int($s);
$result += $temp**5;
} else {
die "Invalid parameter passed to method 'anagram_hash'\nExpected: String or Number\nPassed: $s";
return $result;
sub anagram_hash2 {
my $result = 0;
my $s = shift;
my $length = length($s);
if ( $s =~ /[a-zA-Z]+/ ) {
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $length ; $i++ ) {
my $char = substr( $s, $i, 1 );
$result += $lookup{$char};
} elsif ( $s =~ /^[\d]+$/ ) {
my $temp = int($s);
$result += $temp**5;
} else {
die "Invalid parameter passed to method 'anagram_hash'\nExpected: String or Number\nPassed: $s";
return $result;
sub anagram_hash3 {
my $result = 0;
my $s = shift;
if ( $s =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) {
$result += $_ ** 5 for unpack "C*", $s;
} elsif ( $s =~ /^[\d]+$/ ) {
$result += int($s) ** 5;
} else {
die "Invalid parameter passed to method 'anagram_hash'\nExpected: String or Number\nPassed: $s";
return $result;
sub anagram_hash4 {
my $result = 0;
my $s = shift;
if ( $s =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) {
$result += $lookup{$_} for unpack "(a)*", $s;
} elsif ( $s =~ /^[\d]+$/ ) {
$result += int($s) ** 5;
} else {
die "Invalid parameter passed to method 'anagram_hash'\nExpected: String or Number\nPassed: $s";
return $result;
sub anagram_hash5 {
my $result = 0;
my $s = shift;
if ( $s =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ ) {
$result += $lookup[$_] for unpack "C*", $s;
} elsif ( $s =~ /^[\d]+$/ ) {
$result += int($s) ** 5;
} else {
die "Invalid parameter passed to method 'anagram_hash'\nExpected: String or Number\nPassed: $s";
return $result;
test of the result
Rate power_badloop hlookup_badloop hlookup_goodloop power_goodloop alookup_goodloop
power_badloop 2132/s -- -25% -35% -71% -74%
hlookup_badloop 2826/s 33% -- -14% -62% -66%
hlookup_goodloop 3294/s 55% 17% -- -56% -60%
power_goodloop 7446/s 249% 163% 126% -- -10%
alookup_goodloop 8298/s 289% 194% 152% 11% --
So, the results showing:
finally, (as usually) Ikegami comes with 3 solutions what are much faster as the any of previous. :)