Before I installed the money-rails
gem, I had this query in my controller:
@forecasts.where('max >= ?', @budget).limit(1)[0]
where :budget
was an integer column in table forecasts
After installing money-rails
I renamed that column to :budget_subunits
, entered monetize: :budget_subunits as: :budget
in my :forecast
model so that :budget
is now a Money object. Now this query results in the following error:
PG::InvalidTextRepresentation: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "--- !ruby/object:Money fractional: 4000000000.0 currency: !ruby/object:Money::Currency id: :usd priority: 1 iso_code: USD name: United States Dollar symbol: $ alternate_symbols: - US$ subunit: Cent subunit_to_unit: 100 symbol_first: true html_entity: $ decimal_mark: . thousands_separator: ',' iso_numeric: '840' bank: !ruby/object:Money::Bank::VariableExchange rounding_method: rates: {} mutex: !ruby/object:Mutex {} " LINE 1: ...get_segments"."budget_source_id" = $1 AND (max >= '--- !ruby... ^ : SELECT "budget_segments".* FROM "budget_segments" WHERE "budget_segments"."budget_source_id" = $1 AND (max >= '--- !ruby/object:Money fractional: 4000000000.0 currency: !ruby/object:Money::Currency id: :usd priority: 1 iso_code: USD name: United States Dollar symbol: $ alternate_symbols: - US$ subunit: Cent subunit_to_unit: 100 symbol_first: true html_entity: $ decimal_mark: . thousands_separator: '','' iso_numeric: ''840'' bank: !ruby/object:Money::Bank::VariableExchange rounding_method: rates: {} mutex: !ruby/object:Mutex {} ') ORDER BY "budget_segments".max ASC LIMIT 1
I know I can just use the :budget_subunits
column and compare that to the :max_subunits
column, but wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of using the money-rails gem?
Simply put, how can I use a Money object in activerecord queries?
Call cents
on it to convert it into its cents value, and query on that.