In RabbitMQ, one can create an exchange, then bind it to multiple queues, each with a routing key. This enables messaging architectures like this:
/ | \
foo-msg_q bar-msg_q msg-logger_q
Clients publish messages to the message_x
exchange, which routes only messages with routing key "foo" to the foo-msg_q
queue, only messages with the routing key "bar" to the bar-msg_q
queue, and all messages to msg-logger_q
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this in AWS. My first thought was to set up permissions on the individual queues to accept messages based on subject, but the only available fields for permission conditions are:
None of these seem like they can be influenced by any message I publish to the message_x
Is it possible to doing something like this when using Amazon Simple Notification Service to fan out to multiple Simple Queue Service queues, with each queue receiving a subset of messages published to the topic?
I cannot delete an accepted answer, so see the answer below for the now correct answer since this feature has been released.
No it's not possible. Would be a great feature for them to add though.
The only alternative I know is to create a topic for each routing rule and then publish to the correct topic. It's not pretty, but it accomplishes the task. If you have a lot of rules, you might need more than the 3000 topics they allow. You can request an increase in topic limit from AWS on their website by following the instructions here