I am trying to return all of the answers to each question from the Yahoo API and right now my code is...
$appid= "myid";
$params = array(
'query' => $keyword, //enter your keyword here. this will be searched on yahoo answer
'results' => $maxLimit, //number of questions it should return
'type' => 'resolved', //only resolved questiosn will be returned. other values can be all, open, undecided
'output' => 'php', //result will be PHP array. Other values can be xml, json, rss
$yn = new yahooAnswer($appid);
//search questions
$questions = $yn->search_questions($params);
} catch (Exception $e)
echo ($e->getMessage());
foreach ($questions as $question)
//now get the answers for the question_id;
$answers = $yn->get_question(array('question_id'=>$question['id']));
//print out what you would like...All fields are location on this site http://developer.yahoo.com/answers/V1/getQuestion.html
//print_r( $answers['NumAnswer']);
//print_r( $answers['Content'] . "<br/>");
//print_r($answers['chosenanswer'] . "<br/>");
//echo $answers['UserNick']. "<br />";
echo "<hr>";
} catch (Exception $e)
and I get this as the return when I print_r($answers)...
[id] => 20090408072929AAbYFdK
[type] => Answered
[Subject] => Do you like apples???????????
[Content] => Just wanted to know how many people really like apples out there.
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:29:29
[Timestamp] => 1239175769
[Link] => http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20090408072929AAbYFdK
[Category] => Array
[id] => 396545372
[content] => Other - Food & Drink
[UserId] => l3ja8nMSaa
[UserNick] => Bob
[UserPhotoURL] => http://l.yimg.com/sc/28232/answers1/images/a/i/identity/nopic_48.png
[NumAnswers] => 10
[NumComments] => 0
[ChosenAnswer] => apples are delish
i luv the dark red apples
the green ones
apple sauce
apple pie (with vanilla ice cream)
[ChosenAnswererId] => ihAFSbClaa
[ChosenAnswererNick] => SantaFe95
[ChosenAnswerTimestamp] => 1239176570
[ChosenAnswerAwardTimestamp] => 1240818783
[Answers] => Array
[0] => Array
[Content] => Apples are my second favourite fruit.
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => rZMc7vTXaa
[UserNick] => gemstone
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:36:21
[Timestamp] => 1239176181
[1] => Array
[Content] => when i was little i used to love them because they were very hard to find where we lived and hardly ever got to eat any.
then when i grew up and had to go on a diet where i had to eat 5 or 6 a day i learned to hate them.
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => aecb87753b7a91041ba0f8e18327da41aa
[UserNick] => Missy ~
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:36:38
[Timestamp] => 1239176198
[2] => Array
[Content] => Yep - granny smith, braeburn, and honeycrisp are my favorites
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => 9LYQ34Bvaa
[UserNick] => sportslover7
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:36:45
[Timestamp] => 1239176205
[3] => Array
[Content] => apples are awesome. But, I can't eat them cold, my teeth are WAY TOO sensitive.
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => l63HXU7kaa
[UserNick] => Kira
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:39:33
[Timestamp] => 1239176373
[4] => Array
[Content] => GALA APPLES
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => tsad330Maa
[UserNick] => Lie T
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:40:58
[Timestamp] => 1239176458
[5] => Array
[Content] => Of course. But I only get organic apples. Regular apples are on the "dirty dozen" list for being sprayed with loads pesticides and chemicals...yuck!
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => 1939a4787cfedfac7deb18c16c99dde2aa
[UserNick] => Jami J
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:42:03
[Timestamp] => 1239176523
[6] => Array
[Content] => apples are delish
i luv the dark red apples
the green ones
apple sauce
apple pie (with vanilla ice cream)
[Reference] =>
[Best] => 5
[UserId] => ihAFSbClaa
[UserNick] => SantaFe95
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:42:50
[Timestamp] => 1239176570
[7] => Array
[Content] => OMG I love Granny Smith Apples (You know, the green ones)
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => yIiKFxU5aa
[UserNick] => That half-black half-white girl
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:50:20
[Timestamp] => 1239177020
[8] => Array
[Content] => yeah
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => AA11402528
[UserNick] => Wambo
[Date] => 2009-04-08 07:58:26
[Timestamp] => 1239177506
[9] => Array
[Content] => i love apples ! An apple a day keeps the doctor away the trick it to hit him on the head with it
[Reference] =>
[Best] =>
[UserId] => ElxlHvL5aa
[UserNick] => blindartist47
[Date] => 2009-04-08 08:15:05
[Timestamp] => 1239178505
But when I use print_r(answers['Content']) I only get one of them printed, not all of them. Any ideas on how to go about this issue? There should be six answers being printed
Thats because the array contains a new Array of answers called ['Answers']
. So if you want to print each answer you get, you will have to do the following:
$answers = $yn->get_question(array('question_id'=>$question['id']));
//print out what you would like...All fields are location on this site http://developer.yahoo.com/answers/V1/getQuestion.html
foreach($answers['Answers'] as $answer)
echo "<hr>";
catch (Exception $e)
E: When you dump an array with print_r()
or var_dump()
, alsways wrap up the result in pretags so you can easily see what's nested inside an new array etc.
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";