I installed Typo3 Neos, Apache and MySQL in a Docker container. The initial page loads in about a second, which seems okay to me. But most css-, javascript- and font-files take extremely long to load, some over 20 seconds waiting time.
A chromium network timeline screenshot can be found on http://postimg.org/image/j3io3s0in/. All files except the initial html exist as actual files. (I am not familiar enough with neos to say whether they are used, though.)
My apache config contains SetEnv FLOW_CONTEXT Production
, and I grepped through the directory where neos is installed to make sure it is not overwritten anywhere.
I also used FLOW_CONTEXT=Production ./flow flow:cache:flush
followed by FLOW_CONTEXT=Production ./flow flow:cache:warmup
to restart the caches, and even after this and several page loads, the site stays the same.
Any help on how to bring this to adequate performance would be greatly appreciated.
- Simon Kohlmeyer
PS: This is different from Neos Performance in that NehalemWars problem is with the generated html, while mine are with all other files.
It's very unlikely to be related to Neos/Flow directly since what happens is that there is a symlink created for the static resources. So it's likely more related to the system environment and it's handling of symlinks or similar. Neos/Flow is never executed when fetched static resources at all and creates the symlinks if not already available when rendering the response.