I am using wakefull intent service and works very fine. But currently i see that many times my intent service is in wait satate.I found that problem is with javamail as it goes in deadlock state when ever internet connection is resets.
I search option to intrupt operation java mail but can't find any solution.I have set IMAP,SMTP Time out property but it is not working.
if(msg1[0]!= null)
if(!Mail.store.isConnected() || f== null)
Log.v(tag, "StoreNot Connected");
m = new Mail(username, password);
f =m.getlable("Message_"+nick);
Log.v(tag, "Store Connected");
Log.v(tag, "Sending Mail");
//Get DeadLock Hear
Log.v(tag, "Mail Send");
catch(Exception e)
}catch(Throwable e)
So now i am looking for an option to restart or kill the current intent service.
Is there any option for this?
If not then is it a good idea to create theads from intentservice and kill them instead?
Try this:
Intent GPSService = new Intent(context, TrackGPS.class);