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Why does 'Hello World' plunker work in Chrome but not Firefox?

I'm trying to use Plunker with AngularJS and the default Hello World example works in Chrome but not in Firefox.

Here's a link to an example.

Steps to reproduce:
1. New Plunker
2. Choose AngluarJS > 1.2.x
3. A simple Hello World example is created
4. Choose Run

Chrome displays Hello World!
Firefox displays Hello {{name}}!

Is there something wrong with the AngularJS example that Plunker creates? Am i doing something wrong here?

I've reproduced this behavior in Windows XP and OSX
Firefox v27.0.1
Chrome v33.0.1750.146m


  • Your example dint work for me in Chrome either. I added the ng-app to the html tag so that Angular knows to load the module. So, instead of


    it should be

    <html ng-app="plunker">

    Updated plnkr: