I've managed to knock together some code to encrypt/decrypt a string and I'm wondering whether I've done a good job at it. Is it truly secure, in other words.
I read in a StackOverflow post that reusing the IV is bad practice and should be avoided. I can't say for sure, but I believe that's what I'm doing here. Confirm/deny?
That said, wouldn't using a different IV for each operation render the encrypted stream undecryptable? I'm afraid I don't know as much about this as I'd like.
Here's the code:
Private Function Crypt(InBytes As Byte(), Password As String, Action As EncryptionActions) As Byte()
Dim oCryptoTransform As ICryptoTransform
Dim oDesProvider As AesCryptoServiceProvider
Dim _
iSize As Integer
Dim _
aIV As Byte()
oDesProvider = New AesCryptoServiceProvider
oDesProvider.Mode = CipherMode.CBC
aSalt = {&H10, &H20, &H12, &H23, &H37, &HA4, &HC5, &HA6, &HF1, &HF0, &HEE, &H21, &H22, &H45}
For iSize = 1024 To 1 Step -1
If oDesProvider.ValidKeySize(iSize) Then
iKeySize = iSize
Exit For
End If
iBlockSize = oDesProvider.BlockSize
With New Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, aSalt, 12345)
aKey = .GetBytes(iKeySize \ 8)
aIV = .GetBytes(iBlockSize \ 8)
End With
Select Case Action
Case EncryptionActions.Encrypt : oCryptoTransform = oDesProvider.CreateEncryptor(aKey, aIV)
Case EncryptionActions.Decrypt : oCryptoTransform = oDesProvider.CreateDecryptor(aKey, aIV)
Case Else : Throw New ArgumentException("Invalid encryption action specified.")
End Select
Using oOutStream As New MemoryStream
Using oCryptoStream As New CryptoStream(oOutStream, oCryptoTransform, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
oCryptoStream.Write(InBytes, 0, InBytes.Length)
End Using
Return oOutStream.ToArray
End Using
End Function
I don't know .net so I don't understand the code in details but as far as I can see there are at least the following problems:
The way you should do encryption is as follows:
When receiving the ciphertext: