My constructor:
bnf::bnf(string encoded)
this->encoded = encoded;
copies the string data to a member. (Or does it..?)
I will have a recursive decode method, but would like to avoid writing this->encoded
all the time.
How can I validly and simply create an alias/reference to the member within a method?
Will this have overhead best avoided?
You can just pass in a different named parameter. This is assuming that encoded
is a private string member of your bnf
bnf::bnf(string en)
encoded = en;
In your other functions, you still don't need to write this
if you don't want to:
void bnf::printCode(){
cout << encoded << endl;
Assuming your class looks like this:
class bnf{
bnf(string en};
void printCode();
//<some other functions>
string encoded;