I've spent half day or so over this week learning vba, and building up this macro. After much research, mostly done on stackoverflow - this is what I have so far. I keep getting sub or function not defined when it compiles. It then highlights the world cell portion of the cell (i,"T").
I could use record macro and autofill a very nested series of ifs to get the proper result, but I wanted to try learning a bit of vba code. I know formulas, but limited vba, so I'm semi-dependent on the evaluate function. Thanks in advance for any help. I commented my logic in each section of code.
Sub GetCost()
GetCost Macro
Dim X As Integer
X = Active.cell.Value + 1
'determines last row of imported data
For i = 2 To X
'rows 2 to x, x being the highest active row imported, ignoring header (row 1)
For J = 2 To 11
'columns from 2 up to 11 are evaluated
If Evaluate("iserror(Match(""cell(i, j).value"", Z:Z, 0), 2, 0") = False Then
'check to see if cell(i,j) value exists in column Z
If Evaluate("Index(Z:AA,Match(""cell(i, j).value"", Z:Z, 0), 2, ") = "N" Then
'check to see that
If Evaluate("isblank(""cell(i, j + 1)"")") = True Then
Set cell(i, "V").Value = cell(i, "T").Value
Exit For
'sets cost of parent item/subassembly to its current standard cost
Else: Set cell(i, "V").Value = 0
'if is false; parent item is purchased in its entirety and the current item belongs to parent item
'Sets value to 0, because the cost is inclusive of parent item
Exit For
End If
ElseIf J = 11 Then
Set cell(i, "V").Value = cell(i, "T").Value
'if no items match the lookup range, then current item is not an assembly or built inhouse, use current cost
End If
End If
Next J
Next i
Use cells instead of cell and drop the set.