I am trying to find out how I can tell if a user has a pro account? This is because I am interested in the upload file size limits for a user which differ based on whether the user has a pro account or not.
I looked on the official API pages of flickr but found nothing. http://www.flickr.com/services/api/
Does anyone know how to retrieve this information?
From the documentation you quoted, for flickr.people.getInfo, the call returns, e.g.:
# vvvvvvvvv
<person nsid="12037949754@N01" ispro="0" iconserver="122" iconfarm="1">
<realname>Cal Henderson</realname>
<location>Vancouver, Canada</location>
<firstdatetaken>1900-09-02 09:11:24</firstdatetaken>
Was over at the right under 'API Methods'/'People'.