I have some data which has multiindex called stdDF like so:
MeB ReB nB MeD \
gal cam prof
1237667323260764326 mega 1 18.722369 0.816840 0.953351 21.372606
2 19.047236 0.808913 0.924270 21.399734
sdss 1 20.446750 1.142743 0.169849 21.563054
2 19.086531 0.958046 0.788661 21.336464
gal cam prof
1237667323260764326 mega 1 8.113494
2 8.226689
sdss 1 8.499926
2 8.327510
[4 rows x 5 columns]
But every time I try to call a row from this dataframe, with stdDF[1237667323260764326, mega, 1], it just says KeyError: u'no item named (1237667323260764326, mega, 1)'
I'm trying to write to this row with another series I have but this error keeps me from doing that!
This is extremely frustrating. I don't know why this is happening!
You need to index via tuples; and you are trying to access the columns, study the documentation, see here
stdDF.loc[(1237667323260764326, mega, 1)]