Search code examples

CBLite Android - Get values in second level

Using CBLite Android, and storing docs (similar to Android Grocery Sync example) like this:

     "check" : true,
     "created_at" : "2014-02-25T10:16:46.026Z",
     "text" : "Soap",
     "prices":[  { "date" : "2014-02-25" , "value" : 12 }  ]

I get value in "text" field ​​as shown in the documentation:

Document document = row.getDocument();
String text = ((String)document.getCurrentRevision().getProperty("text"));

But, How should I do to get the value in, for example, "value" field?


Getting documents
API reference


  • Search in the doc to something which allow you to get an array, then read the array to get value.