My question is below.
Here is my setup:
uses windows, {...,} uPSComponent_Default, uPSComponent, uPSRuntime, uPSComponent_Controls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
PSScript1: TPSScript;
PSImport_Classes1: TPSImport_Classes;
PSImport_Controls1: TPSImport_Controls;
procedure PSScript1Compile(Sender: TPSScript);
procedure NewItem(const Caption:string; const SubItems:TStringList);
procedure TForm1.PSScript1Compile(Sender: TPSScript);
Sender.AddMethod(Self, @TForm1.NewItem, 'procedure NewItem(const Caption:string; const SubItems:TStringList);');
Why am I getting the following error when I try to compile any script.
[Error] (1:1): Unable to register function procedure NewItem(const Caption:string; const SubItems:TStringList);
I know it has to do with my attempt to import the NewItem method into the PS compiler but I don't know why it will not accept the TStringList. I know it's the TStringList because if I take out the TStringList param and just use the method with the following signature then everything works.
procedure NewItem(const Caption:string);
I can't find any references saying that I can't pass objects back and forth between the compiler/script and my Delphi code but I'm beginning to think that there maybe a limitation in doing exactly this type of thing.
Would it make more sense to try and pass an array of strings instead of a TStringList?
If I were to guess, I'd say it's probably because you haven't registered the TStringList class yet. Classes have to be registered with PascalScript before it can use them.