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Returning binary data from c# COM object to be used in ASP

I am looking for a way to pass a byte array from a c# COM object to IIS/ASP (not .NET). I was going to pass it using strings, but while ASP handles binary data in strings without problems, C# does not. This means I cannot expect a byte array converted to string and passed to ASP to be identical to the original array. Also, when having the array in ASP, I need to send it unchanged as a response (Response.Write).

I found this SO answer - How to correctly marshal VB-Script arrays to and from a COM component written in C# explaining how to pass arrays, but it isn't clear to me how I am supposed to pass a byte array and how to assemble the array to a string in ASP.

Any pointers? I already have the COM object and can pass data (strings, int, etc) back and forth. The byte array part eludes me.

Edit: This is what I use now (and what does not work at all):

    byte[] arrayOut { set; get; }


  • It turns out my original conclusion about the shown code not to be working at all was wrong. It seems .NET makes the necessary wrapping and the problem was located in my ASP section. I was using Response.Write which showed garbled (chinese) output but when I switched to use Response.BinaryWrite, it worked perfectly. So, manually marshalling the array turned out not to be nessary.

    Basic C# project is setup like this.

    First an interface:

    interface FillArrayI
        // Properties
        byte[] result_array { set; get; }
        int fill_result_array();

    Next a class:

    [GuidAttribute("51E7819D-3EF3-4498-B5BE-5D6B8EF98176")] // some guid
    public class FillArray : FillArrayI
        public byte[] result_array{ set; get; }
        public int fill_result_array()
            result_array = new byte[95];
            for(int i = 0; i < 95; result_array[i] = i+32;
            return 0;

    Compile and load the COM object (one or both of these, correct for .NET version used):

    "%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe" ArrayTest.dll /tlb /codebase /register
    "%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\regasm.exe" ArrayTest.dll /tlb /codebase /register

    Load with this ASP file:

    Dim comObj
    Set comObj = Server.CreateObject("ArrayTest.FillArray")
    returnCode = comObj.fill_result_array
    Response.WriteBinary comObj.result_array

    I believe this is should do the trick.