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ServiceStack UK Date Binding on HTTP POST

I am using a mono self hosted servicestack application with the ServiceStack.Razor rendering. In the application the user enters into a form a UK date (dd/mm/yyyy) but this is converted to a US date (mm/dd/yyyy) on a HTTP POST.

In a normal MVC application I would do this using model binding as shown here ASP.NET MVC3: Force controller to use date format dd/mm/yyyy

How do you do this in ServiceStack as I could not find anything about it.


  • You can use custom serializers/deserializers to globally control the serialization and deserialization of DateTime values:

    In your AppHost:

    using ServiceStack.Text;
    JsConfig<DateTime>.SerializeFn = SerializeAsUKDate;
    // Also, if you need to support nullable DateTimes:
    JsConfig<DateTime?>.SerializeFn = SerializeAsNullableUKDate;
    public static string SerializeAsUKDate(DateTime value)
        // or whatever you prefer to specify the format/culture
        return value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
    public static string SerializeAsNullableUKDate(DateTime? value)
        return value.HasValue ? SerializeAsUKDate(value.Value) : null;

    You may or may not need to specify DeSerializeFn to ensure that dates are parsed correctly. The ServiceStack.Text date deserializer is pretty robust.

    JsConfig<DateTime>.DeSerializeFn = DeSerializeAsUKDate;
    public static DateTime DeSerializeAsUKDate(string value)
        // date parsing logic here
        // ServiceStack.Text.Common.DateTimeSerializer has some helper methods you may want to leverage