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Is it possible to use non-retina graphics on retina?

I got non retina graphics from a graphic designer to use with an app. The splash screen has a resolution of 400x640. And yet I am supposed to make a universal iphone 5 and ipad app using this graphics. It is in a .jpg file.

My question is, is it possible to use such low resolution images (400x640) on a retina iPad which requires 1536x2048 pixel images? Or should I get images of proper resolution?


  • You can see on the Apple's developer page that you must meet some graphic requirements for you app. If it's possible to ask for proper resolutions I believe it would be the best.

    You can find more information here to pass it to your graphic designer

    You can also read here more exactly what is required and what not if you want to get your app in the store