Prefacing my question with the fact that I'm new to Celery and this (1) may have been answered somewhere else (if so, I couldn't find the answer) or (2) there may be a better way to accomplish my objective than what I'm directly asking.
Also, I am aware of celery.contrib.methods
, but task_method
does not quite accomplish what I am looking for.
My Objective
I would like to create a class mixin that turns a whole class into a Celery task. For example, a mixin represented by something like the code below (which right now does not run):
from celery import Task
class ClassTaskMixin(Task):
def enqueue(cls, *args, **kwargs):
cls.delay(*args, **kwargs)
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
Obj = type(, (), {})
Obj(*args, **kwargs).run_now()
def run_now(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
Unlike when using task_method
, I do not want to fully instantiate the class before the task is queued and .delay()
is called. Rather, I want to simply hand-off the class name along with any relevant initialization parameters to the async process. The async process would then fully instantiate the class using the class name and the given initialization paremeters, and then call some method (say .run_now()
, for example) on the instantiated object.
Example Use Case
Constructing and sending email asynchronously would be an example use for the mixin I need.
class WelcomeEmail(EmailBase, ClassTaskMixin):
def __init__(self, recipient_address, template_name, template_context):
self.recipient_address = recipient_address
self.template_name = template_name
self.template_context = template_context
def send(self):
def run_now(self):
The above code would send an email in an async Celery process by calling WelcomeEmail.enqueue(recipient_address, template_name, template_context)
. Sending the email synchronously in-process would be accomplished by calling WelcomeEmail(recipient_address, template_name, template_context).send()
Apparently this issue isn't hugely interesting to a lot of people, but... I've accomplished what I set out to do.
See pull request for details.