I have a similar question than the one that has been answered in Python pysqlite not accepting my qmark parameterization
My problem is the following: I want a parameterized search for a string that is like something, not for the string itself.
This is my statement:
command = "select id, l from testDT where l like '%, ?]'"
cur.command(command, (123,))
pysqlite returns the following error:
pysqlite2.dbapi2.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 0, and there are 1 supplied.
I do understand that this is due to the qmark being interpreted as a literal. However, I do not know how to specify such a "like" search wit qmarks without the qmarks being interpreted as literals.
The following search succeeds:
command = "select id, l from testDT where l like '%, {x}]' "
command = command.format(x=123)
But, as far as I understand it, that is exactly the way one should not use the format() function.
You use the whole lot as the parameter, eg:
command = "select id, l from testDT where l like ? "
cur.command(command, ('%, 123]',))