I am having some trouble with a script of mine that is supposed to SSHs into my server, run a mysql query, and return a specific value.
My problem is that I am getting an Access Denied error when I use command substitution [ $() and `` ] - but without command substitution I don't get the result saved to a variable.
I have full privileges, and the password is correct.
ssh root@SERVER.com << EOFMARK
example=$(mysql -h localhost -u root -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD myDatabase -e "SELECT now();")
echo "Variable is $example"
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
You might want to
This way:
example=$(ssh root@SERVER.com mysql -h localhost -u root -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" myDatabase -e '"SELECT now();"')
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
would be the way to go.
If you really need it at both places, you either might want to have a script on the server, or you could try
example=$(ssh root@SERVER.com 'example=$(mysql -h localhost -u root -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" myDatabase -e "SELECT now();"); echo "Variable is $example")
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
In order to stick on the heredoc, you could as well try
example=$(ssh root@SERVER.com << EOFMARK
example=$(mysql -h localhost -u root -p$MYSQL_PASSWORD myDatabase -e "SELECT now();")
echo "Variable is $example"
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
in order to have the variable on the client side as well.
Due to whatever, I can't get my head around the heredoc example.
But the others should look like
example=$(ssh root@SERVER.com 'mysql -NB -h localhost -u root -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" myDatabase -e "SELECT now();"')
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
which gives exactly the output into the local variable, or
example=$(ssh root@SERVER.com 'example=$(mysql -NB -h localhost -u root -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" myDatabase -e "SELECT now();"); echo "Variable is $example")
echo "My goal is to read the variable here: $example"
but you should be aware that here, the local output looks like (e. g.)
My goal is to read the variable here: Variable is 2014-03-07 20:42:23
as the sub string Variable is
gets output as well.