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How to set 'Content-Disposition' and 'Filename' when using FileSystemResource to force a file download file?

What is the most appropriate, and standard, way to set the Content-Disposition=attachment and using Spring 3 FileSystemResource?

The action looks like :

@RequestMapping(value = "/action/{abcd}/{efgh}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/zip")
public FileSystemResource doAction(@PathVariable String abcd, @PathVariable String efgh) {

    File zipFile = service.getFile(abcd, efgh);

    return new FileSystemResource(zipFile);

Although the file is a zip file so the browser always downloads the file, but I would like to explicitly mention the file as attachment, and also provide a filename that has nothing to do with the files actual name.

There might be workarounds for this problem, but I would like to know the proper Spring and FileSystemResource way to achieve this goal.

P.S. The file that is being used here is a temporary file, marked for deletion when the JVM exists.


  • @RequestMapping(value = "/action/{abcd}/{efgh}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public HttpEntity<byte[]> doAction(@PathVariable ObjectType obj, @PathVariable Date date, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
        ZipFileType zipFile = service.getFile(obj1.getId(), date);
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + zipFile.getFileName());
        return new HttpEntity<byte[]>(zipFile.getByteArray(), headers);