I have a table named table_B with a sample set as follows:
| 001 | 003 | 03 |
| 001 | 024 | 02 |
| 001 | 001 | 01 |
Here is my query statement:
$query_string = '
SELECT services.*, GROUP_CONCAT(prices.priceID) AS priceID
FROM table_A AS services
INNER JOIN table_B AS prices ON services.serviceID = prices.serviceID
WHERE services.serviceID = "' . $serviceID . '"
GROUP BY prices.serviceID
$result = mysqli_query($link, $query_string);
The result for $row['priceID'] is string(11) "001,003,024"
How can I order the resulting string in $row['priceID'] according to the processOrder column?
I am trying to return $row['priceID'] as string(11) "001,024,003"
Have a look at GROUP_CONCAT syntax:
GROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...]
[ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr}
[ASC | DESC] [,col_name ...]]
[SEPARATOR str_val])
you can set ordering inside parentheses.