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Create a WSDL from a sample SOAP transaction

I have a group of several Sample SOAP transactions that are my only clue how to build a SOAP client.

Can any one walk me through what I would need to do to get from:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soap="">
                <Id>integer {Item.Id}|integer {ItemNum}|string {ItemSync.Key}</Id>

                <!-- Depending on Namespace -->
                <Consignor>integer {User.Id}|integer {User.CustomerNo}|string {UserSync.Key}</Consignor>

                    <!-- List category names  -->

                    <!-- List of image names/ URLs  -->

To a working usable WSDL file? (all the sample SOAP transactions I have are similar in structure with a different Operation but similar types/elements)

So far I've been able to generate the xsd for the elements in the operations.


  • What I've found is that there doesn't seem to be an easy answer. While the xml clearly demonstrates the SOAP transactions, there isn't an automated process to build a WSDL file simply from sample SOAP.

    What I ended up doing was pulling the XML back into XmlSpy and using that to convert the XML into XSD files. Then I manually wrote the WSDL file from scratch but just referenced the XSD as my element types.